What if an enemy of the state of Idaho wanted to fly its flag at the statehouse?
This week in the city of Twin Falls, Idaho 5 babies will be stopped from having a live birth. While that happens, a bill will continue to sit on a desk at the statehouse that would make a path possible to stop murdering of babies in Idaho. This, because legislators are afraid Planned Parenthood wants to fly its flag over the statehouse.
Since Planned Parenthood opened in Twin Falls, Idaho the death of babies has now reached the entire city population of Hansen and Eden. Over 1,900 babies have been murdered at a “women’s health center” in downtown Twin Falls and no one with proper jurisdiction to stop this bloodshed has been willing to stand up to the tyranny of Planned Parenthood.
I originally wrote the following on August 19. 2013 HERE(emphasis added)
I would expect there would be a global outrage if an army of 600 militia men, armed for war, burned a peaceful town down. I would likely join the cry for justice.
I would expect Facebook and Twitter would light up with posts for weeks if it was discovered that a father gave his daughters to invaders to do with as they wish. This is wrong on so many levels, and one would find few people to disagree that that father is not only a danger to his children, but to all of civilization.
I would expect a man who chops his dead wife up into twelve equal pieces and then sends those pieces throughout the land to not escape the death penalty.

(yet) Today, in our land and around the world, two organizations are largely unchallenged in their injustice, inhumane ways. UNICEF gets its pass because of their clever and well put together commercials and propaganda. Planned Parenthood will cunningly evade the questions on funding while they slaughter the unborn. Both organizations will gather large sums of money from tax payers in America and individual donors. Making both UNICEF and Planned Parenthood arms of government and private militia. Nearly unstoppable.
I would expect a nation that claims to be a nation under God would not stand for the murdering of (61) million defenseless babies.
This oversight seems unbelievable. Yet, when there is no acknowledgment of God, when men do what is right in their own eyes, (only then can) a nation can sit quietly by while the act of murdering 3,300 babies today will be protected by law, while babies go unprotected. Citizens of the United States of America, prepare to give your best effort in answering your God. Better, repent of your laziness and pursuit of happiness while this slaughtering takes place in your city today.
It is clear, when men do what is right in their own eyes, they will soon be doing what is evil in the eyes of God.
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