I am thankful for the three city council members willing to sign our citizen proclamation on the Sanctity of Life and our Mutual Desire to Abolish Abortion in the City of Twin Falls, Idaho; Mayor Suzanne Hawkins, Councilman Chris Reid, and Councilwoman Nikki Boyd.
Theses citizens thank you.
The long game is just that, isn’t it?
I have great joy in the Lord for the city I live in. I pray for my city government. I like that when I see them in the marketplace I recognize them and know them.
We have a losing streak going that would cause most embarrassment. But I’m encouraged to remain on the field until success is had or last breaths are taken, for the Glory of God.
Following is a copy of my appeal to the city council on Tuesday night, January 19, 2021. I post it here to encourage others and to archive for my benefit so I might sharpen my words, sanctify my soul, and document the great battle for the glory of God while speaking for those tiny neighbors of mine that will be discarded in toxic waste bins next Wednesday.
Here is the audio of my presentation to the city council.
Following is the transcript of my prepared speech (the handwritten notes are my comfort zone way of public speaking, overlook the spelling, grammar, and penmanship of my notes it is similar to what I actually said. I will add an audio copy of the presentation as soon as I can get it rendered.

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